
Open to new job opportunities

More features. Less clutter

Stress free. Book smarter

Say goodbye to the hassle.

The Design System.

Simple, elegant, powerful

The interface is designed to offer clarity and reassurance.

Booking Confirmation

Comprehensive information including the room's name, capacity, available amenities, and current availability status.

Selected Meeting Room

Each room is clearly listed with key details such as availability, capacity, and location, making it easy for users to quickly find and book a suitable meeting space.


MeetMate. Less is more

Empowering Users

How MeetMate Transformed the User Experience

Given the current challenges in booking meeting rooms, how might we create a seamless and streamlined solution that transforms the booking experience for Maria and her colleagues?

The Challenge and the Opportunity

Understanding the current scenario

Today's User Frustrations: A Closer Look

  1. Cumbersome Booking Process:

Large meeting rooms are often occupied by small groups, while larger teams are left with insufficient space, resulting in inefficient use of available resources.

  1. Inefficient Room Utilization:

In large offices with multiple floors, employees must physically walk to each floor and check every meeting room to determine availability, causing inefficiency and wasted time.

  1. Double Booking and Overlaps:

Meeting rooms frequently get double-booked or have overlapping reservations, causing disruptions

and frustration among teams.

  1. Lack of Real-Time Availability:

The process of booking a meeting room is often complex and time-consuming, requiring multiple steps and approvals, which hinders productivity.


Large organizations face inefficiencies and complexities in booking meeting rooms, resulting in wasted time and resources due to manual processes and unclear room availability.


Meeting Room Reservations Made Easy

MeetMate addresses the complexity of booking meeting rooms in large organizations by offering a fast and user-friendly, three-step solution.


Mobile Application

Product Design


User Research

Decodifying user frustration

Considering our users' needs, a mobile app would be the best solution. Assuming every user has a company smartphone, they would be able to easily book meeting rooms at any time of the day.

A way to see the availability or unavailability of the room.

Booking the room with some context around what that room is.

Availability of other rooms on the premises.
